United Trust Bank Co-Sponsors HBF Policy Conference with Secretary of State, Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP as Keynote Speaker

United Trust Bank co-sponsored and attended the HBF (Home Builder Federation) Policy Conference held in London on the 24th April 2024.

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, was keynote speaker, heading up a list of high level political and industry experts. Part of the conference explored the attitudes of the main political parties to the new homes sector as they will soon seek the support of the British electorate.

The conference also examined the state of the property market, which has had a bumpy ride since 2022 with interest rates rising and the cost of living crisis hitting consumers’ pockets. HBF experts looked at the outlook for new homes sales, interest rates and mortgages in 2024 and beyond.

Adam Bovingdon, Head of Property Development, United Trust Bank commented: “United Trust Bank was delighted to co-sponsor the HBF’s April Policy Conference which brought housebuilders and developers together with the Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP for an honest exchange of views. As we approach the end of the parliamentary term, the top asks of the next government were clear, action on planning and a solution to nutrient neutrality. Thank you to all who attended and made this an engaging and productive event.”